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Community Management Services

Online social media monitoring delivers actionable data on share of voice, sentiment, themes and perceptions that inform your communications strategies and tactics.

We create unique content, manage your online communities, keep a finger on the pulse of emerging issues and analyze progress and trends with the goal of generating awareness, influencing decisions and driving engagement. Contact us to learn more about our community management services. 

our clients and partners say it best.

“I’ve known Carol Levine since energi PR joined our GLOBALHealthPR (GHPR) partnership in 2015. GHPR had searched extensively for the ideal Canada partner with top-tier expertise in life science and storytelling. From the moment we met Carol and her team and saw firsthand the quality of energi PR work, we felt we had struck the perfect match. The evidence today proves it. Carol is a superior business communications strategist and counselor who deeply understands and confidently leads her people to navigate the Canadian health environment on behalf of GHPR and energi PR clients with effectiveness.”

John Seng
Founder, GLOBALHealthPR

We use our energi to listen.

Listening is the precursor to laser-focused communications. Connect with us today.